Our 'Artist Of The Week' is a particularly special one for us this week! Since holding his first ever solo exhibition back in 2016, when he was very little known on the art scene and absolutely blew our clientele away, we have gained front row access to watch him grow into the sensational sell out artist he has developed into from then until now! With another collection set to drop this weekend which is guaranteed to be a clean sweep yet again - we thought this was the perfect opportunity to discuss a little more about talents, techniques and triumphs of none other than the stencil and spray paint genius that is, Zombiedan!
So as mentioned above, in September of 2016 we planned our first ever exhibition with Zombiedan for our Edinburgh gallery - who was pretty fresh to the art world at the time and his graffiti style and stencil techniques were totally new to our this was a gamble, but one we hoped  would pay off. Zombiedan was set to launch his first collection of originals at the show and when we ourselves first lay eyes on them - we were certain that the day would be the success we had wished for..  but we really had not prepared ourselves for just how much of a success it would turn out to be! We had begun all the neccessary prep early on in the week of the show in order to get everything just perfect - and the reaction that week was nothing short of unbelievable. Anyone who visited the gallery were completely struck by his creative works and his 'grungey' style and automatically wanted to know more, and by the time Zombiedan arrived on Friday, 60% of the collection had already pre-sold!  Clients were fascinated by the bright bold and quirky works featuring the likes of Audrey Hepburn sporting an Adidas tracksuit, David Bowie and a few Star Wars inspired pieces - and it wasn't long before word had spread and our event turned out to be one of our busiest for a brand new artist EVER - so much so that it was a complete sell out just 3 hours after we opened the doors! After this, Zombiedans popularity and the demand for his work automatically sky rocketed and the buzz around this new artist was electrifying.
Then in November 2017, Zombiedan was back in the capital once more with a brand new collection and new techniques to showcase in our gallery to the legion of fans he was quickly building north of the border. This included depictions of an edgy Marilyn Monroe, Wonder Woman and some of his own imagery he had created himself, and he had even sprayed up some musical instruments, shields and helmets that really caught everyone's attention. It was obvious from this collection that his style was developing and he was growing into the established artist he was destined to be - experimenting with holographic and metallic spray paints and working with brand new compositions and colour ways -  the results were captivating. Again, this was another extremely triumphant day and we definitely celebrated this in style afterwards...
So off the back of the previous shows it would come as no surprise that in 2018, Zombiedan was back again for his third year running, and the demand for his artworks during this time still showed no signs of slowing down. By this point he was gaining a reputation that would make any artist jealous, selling his work internationally, his commissioned artworks featuring in bars, restaurants and businesses across the UK and even an original selling for a whopping £12,500 at auction - so, naturally, we welcomed him to the gallery with open arms and the show did not disappoint. Always one to be brave and adventurous with his collections, he had again developed new styles and techniques to showcase on the day and incredible works starring Twiggy, John Lennon and Prince from his series 'Popculcher' lined our walls and the day was again - and no prizes for what I am about to say next here - another. huge. success (but by this point, that shouldn't really come as a shock now should it?) 
Now Zombiedan is about to release his first collection of 2019 this weekend....and we cannot wait reveal it all to you! The new series will feature six brand new images, original stencils, colourways and even limited edition prints and judging by the way his previous collections have been received - we are certain this will be another sell out for the graffiti artist. Below we have given you an insight into the collection in the form of sneak peeks, and we suggest keeping close by your computers this Saturday the 4th of May at 12pm, when we will reveal all! 
First Solo Exhibition
 In September 2016, Zombiedan came to Edinburgh for his first ever solo exhibition and it became one of the most memorable events in Robertson Fine Art history - above you will see some footage of the epic day!
Edinburgh Castle
On the back of his very successful show we commissioned Zombiedan to create his depiction of our very famous castle which was completed in December 2016 and was one of his most complex stencils to date! It was also one of his most popular, completely selling out in original stencil, board and limited edition versions and is still one of his most asked about works to date.
Second Exhibition At Robertson Fine Art
In November 2017 Zombiedan was back in the capital for a second personal appearance, and brought with him some new styles and techniques that went down a treat with his fan base here! 
Sit Down For Change
In November 2017, Zombiedan and a handful of other great artists teamed up with Bo-Concept to design beautiful one off chairs for the Sit Down For Change charity auction - which raised thousands for charity!
London Football Awards 2018
In March 2018, Zombiedan created this amazing piece specially for the London Football Awards 2018 and the original stencil of the work sold on  the night for an incredible £12,500!! This was a new record for Zombiedan - the highest price an original work of his has ever sold for.
Third Personal Appearance At Robertson Fine Art
In October 2018, Zombiedan was back again for his third successful year running, after the demand for his artworks during this time had done anything but slow down! 
Six By Nico
In November 2018 the highly reputable Six by Nico displayed two of Zombiedan's newest 'Twiggy' original works as part of their permanent display in their Edinburgh restaurant. 
We are incredibly proud to represent Zombiedan- our artist of the week! Email us at for more information- and keep close to your computers this Saturday when we will see the release of six brand new works for Zombiedan's Spring Collection launch! 


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