Collection: Zee

Described as a mixed media / digital artist – “ZEE” was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1979. As an artist, Zee has the distinct advantage of being completely self-taught, which has developed into a healthy disregard for the “rules” regarding established commercial art.
Zee’s style and technique for “building” images in a digital capacity lend themselves to naturally breaking the preconceptions of more traditional mediums. Acrylic and Watercolours had always been Zee’s first choice of medium to reach the outer world, however, fast computing & processing capabilities provide the tools to render her vibrant “inner” world in a more existential capacity.
“I absolutely love technology and love creating art with an edge. My style?…. I’d call it pop art, or mixed media implemented with the benefit of digital technology. I enjoy a freestyle approach to the use of media; I orchestrate the visual components using a variety of techniques. By scanning painted and drawn media into pixels, I manipulate and integrate the imagery with digital painting.”